Friday, September 19, 2014

Gun control

A very popular topic that has risen within the past couple years is that of gun control. With a rise in numerous school shootings, and other gun violence people have started making their voices heard. There are two sides of this argument just like any other issue. There are the extremes of where people want gun rights completely revoked and no access to them unless in military use. Then there is the other side where people clearly defend their second amendment right that of which to bear arms. I can understand the people who want to limit gun access due to all the innocent lives being lost in shootings. But the argument I have towards that is that the guns do not make the shooters killers, the shooters make the guns kill. Instead of getting rid of guns there should be more safety behind the purchasing of a firearm. Owners of these firearms should only be able to purchase one after extreme background tests and mental stability tests. If able to purchase firearms they should then be evaluated on where they plan to keep them in their household so they remain out of reach of children and limit disaster from happening. I do clearly think the regulations need to be more strict, but taking away guns as a whole is a clear violation of the second amendment and is wrong.

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